Tuesday 16 November 2021

Can A Metal Building Be Added Onto My Current Structure?

If your business has outgrown its original building, you may be trying to decide between moving your entire company or just expanding your current structure with a metal building kit.

For most business owners, it's much easier to stay in their current location and expand onto what they already have.   

And fortunately, a metal-building add-on is an easy and affordable way to expand a wide variety of building types.

For example, if you have a prefab metal sports complex that needs to expand due to a growing community, pre-engineered steel buildings are an ideal solution.

From low-cost materials, durability, and faster construction time to fewer maintenance responsibilities, a metal add-on is a choice you can count on to pay dividends for years to come.

No matter what type of structure you're in, steel building additions make it easy to expand your building so you can keep up with your business.

In the article below, we will discuss how and why you should expand your current structure with a metal building add-on.

source https://www.cdmg.com/building-faqs/metal-building-be-added-onto-my-current-structure

Wednesday 10 November 2021

What Is The Design-Build Method?

What do you think of when you think of the design-build method in construction?

Do you think of secretive attitudes, protective measures, proprietary turf wars, mistrust, and grudging communication, if there is any communication at all?

Or, do you think of open minds, respect for others, taking responsibility, friendly sharing of ideas and processes, and ongoing communication geared toward the project's success?

Most of us will think of the latter.

And if you did, the design-build process is exactly what you're looking for.

In the article below, we will go in-depth about what the design-build method is.

source https://www.cdmg.com/building-faqs/what-is-the-design-build-method

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Can A Metal Building Kit Be Used For An Indoor Sports Facility?

High-level sports facilities often have unique requirements that can not be met by using building materials like wood, brick, or concrete.

Many indoor facilities need long, high ceilings without vertical supports or support walls.

And when they do, steel is a clear choice. There are a lot of things to consider about metal building kits for sports facilities.

Prefabricated metal building kits are great for your indoor recreational facility because they aren't as expensive or time-consuming as traditional building materials.

They also provide extreme durability and versatility, both of which are necessary when designing your indoor sports facility. 

In the article below, we will talk about why you should use steel for recreational facilities.

source https://www.cdmg.com/building-faqs/can-a-metal-building-kit-be-used-for-an-indoor-sports-facility